David Bowman, LMFT

Psychotherapy, Counseling, and Coaching

Recently I have been delving into the childhood messaging that gay and queer men received from their respective fathers. It struck me how many current maladaptive behaviors have roots in the problem of straight men raising gay boys. I am proud to announce that my new online course and e-book on re-parenting for gay men will be available October 2024. Father Figures: Re-fathering for Gay Men consists of 17 online activities that will help you explore your own dad’s (or father substitute’s) messaging, what you expected of him and did not get, and how you can overcome the problem of the missing gay paternal energy by creating your own ideal gay father figure.

David’s Featured Posts

Tackling Projects

Readers of this blog may be surprised by my sudden reappearance in this space. The truth is that over the past three years I have focused my writing and spare time on finishing a project that has been in the works for me for over 10 years. My online course and e-book...

What’s Normal About Coupling?

Heterosexuality and monogamy are so privileged by Western society that when homosexual or gender-fluid relationships are allowed—or even sanctioned—their validity and functionality are still judged against a heteronormative, monogamy-normative standard...

The Broken-hearted Boys: The Not-So-Gay World of Crystal Meth Recovery

Any Los Angeles therapist working with the gay community cannot fail to be saddened by the prevalence of crystal meth and the abundance of users and addicts of all races, all socio-economic classes, and every intelligence level imaginable. From the rooms of...
7 Guidelines for Successful Therapy

7 Guidelines for Successful Therapy

It is very rare that we have one, single motive or reason for doing what we do. We are mixtures of competing and colluding internal voices, both conscious and unconscious, that control our choices and range of possible behaviors. Understanding them to make intelligent...

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Congratulations, You’re Bipolar!

Congratulations, You’re Bipolar!

A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder II, a name for his collections of symptoms that was met with a great deal of ambivalence. On one hand, it’s “another thing that’s wrong with me,” he lamented, “but on the other, it’s a relief to know it’s a...

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Hard Choices: The Last Train to Dilemma-ville

Hard Choices: The Last Train to Dilemma-ville

Having to make a difficult decision in life is often the cause for a course of therapy. What can make the decision so hard is the fact that there are so many complicating considerations, each carrying its own baggage, so that the decision is anything but clear cut....

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